Terms & Conditions

To read our full terms and conditions, please click here to download them.

Data Protection and Privacy
This website uses cookies to monitor browsing preferences. If you do allow cookies to be used, the following personal information may be stored by us for use by third parties:

We will use a cookie to detect if our website is being accessed by a human; this is mainly for security reasons and involves storing the IP addresses of all human and non-human (i.e. web crawling bot) visitors.

We may analyse anonymous aggregate data, for example: how many people visit our site each day, geographic location of those visitors, the pages they visit most frequently etc.

We will store data submitted through any of the contact forms on this website. Your submitted data will be stored privately on our server and emailed directly to us at contact@cloverpackaging.co.uk then viewed only by Clover Packaging Ltd staff.

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